Título: Stay With Me (Wait For You, Book 3)
Escrito por J. Lynn


Another outstanding New Adult novel from the bestselling author of WAIT FOR YOU – a NEW YORK TIMES bestseller.
Not all scars are visible on the surface.
Calla Fritz is used to hiding. Hiding the scar that she believes mars her beautiful face. Hiding the burns that cover so much of the rest of her body. Hiding her past and her family secrets from her new college friends.
But when her mother clears out her bank account and disappears, Calla is forced to return home and face up to a life she’d rather forget about. What she didn’t count on was meeting the one guy who seems to be able to see past her defences. Jackson James, known as Jax, is beyond smokin’ hot – and Calla can’t quite hide her feelings for a man who knows that beauty isn’t only skin deep.
But with some dangerous characters looking for her mother – men who are perfectly happy to punish Calla for her mother’s sins if she doesn’t turn up soon – Calla and Jax have more troubling things to think about than the searing heat between them…
Formato del ebook: Kindle PDF EPUB MOBI
Tamaño del archivo: 1782 KB
Longitud de impresión: 451 páginas
Editorial/Editado por: Harper (25 de septiembre de 2014)
Idioma: Inglés
A great novel romantic enough for the ladies and suspenseful enough for the guys
Stay With me is labeled a romance, and while there most definitely is a strong love story in it, I consider it basically a novel and as such, it’s great reading regardless of gender. I do belive that it will appeal more to women because it’s written by a lady author and is told from the woman’s viewpoint in the first person. However, it has enough of a thriller embedded in it to appeal to men also.
The opening chapter did lead me to believe that it was going to be a fairly standard love story. We’re introduced to our heroine who’s in college and recognize that she is a very spunky young lady with an attitude. She does seem to be a bit man crazy, talking about what she calls the ‘»Hot men’s brigade’. However, we quickly learn that she is virgin not even ever being kissed. This partially is because of an ugly facial scar, one of several body scars she sustained in a fire. However, the very ending of the chapter starts the actual story.
I won’t tell you more of the plot because this is most enjoyable getting each surprise as it happens. Well, on second thought, I will mention that thisfnovel includes an incredibly unfit mother, drug dealers, and of course a «hot» love interest. I will also mention that this depicts a much more honest and engrossing love affair which emphasizes actual love rather than sex.
There are sexual scenes in the novel, but they are not generally as graphic nor «hot’ as are common in modern romances. There’s also some violence, but again not graphic.
I wish there were a way to convey how very good this novel is without sounding like I’m a plant or a personal friend of the author. I’m especially sensitive about this since this apparently will be the first customer review. But believe me, guys and gals, this is definitely a novel to read. Yes, it is at times heavy on the romance, but there’s enough suspense in it to please male readers like myself. Truly an outstanding novel and quit strongly recommended by me
I will admit I wasn’t a huge an of JLA’s previous New Adult books, but this one completely blew me away! I wasn’t prepared for how attached I would get to the characters and their story, but by the end of the story I just didn’t want to let them go.
JLA has really taken the New Adult formula to a new level. She doesn’t just have the standard broken character meets broken character and eventually falls in love. Nope she has a huge storyline that kept me flipping pages all night long. I couldn’t put it down!
I love reading about men in the service and Jax was amazing! He was definitely a bad you know what and could totally take care of whatever was thrown his way. Calla was an amazing character as well and definitely fit perfectly with Jax. Their relationship wasn’t all roses, but that is to be expected with NA.
What really set this book apart was the storyline. It isn’t typical and if you are like me and are tired of the same ole thing this is for you. I won’t go into the storyline because I think the summary gives enough away and I don’t want to give spoilers but believe me you need this book in your life. It will make you laugh, squee, and cry and give you all the feels you need!
Sweet, Hot, and New
When it comes to «new adult» romances, I’ll admit to being more than a little opinionated. Oftentimes, I find the characters too immature, and generally in a totally unbelievable, unlikeable way. So I was pleased with Calla and Jax’s romance. This isn’t the typical good girl, bad boy story that makes you question whether he’s possibly going to become an over-obsessed stalker. Calla is young and innocent, but Jax is an all-around good guy, and you want them to get together from the start.
Both characters are in their young twenties, and while it’s been a long time since I’ve been there, I thought Lynn did a good job of giving them realistic personalities. Calla’s sexual innocence is contrasted with an unpleasant childhood; I was a little leery of this at first because I don’t like to read heavy tragedy in my romance novels. But, while there was tragedy in her past, it’s not detailed in the story and doesn’t dominate it. Likewise, Jax is a veteran, but this only part of who he is, it’s not all he is, as sometimes happens when authors get hung up on their soldier heros.
Calla’s college friends make appearances in this book, and it’s clear they’ve got their own romances depicted in other books; it’s also clear that there’s at least one romance being set up for another tale. But none of these things overshadow the main characters here, and this book easily stands alone. I like it enough, though, that I’ll likely order others in the series.