Escrito por Rick Riordan

The Blood of Olympus is the fifth book in the bestselling Heroes of Olympus series – set in the high-octane world of Percy Jackson.
Though the Greek and Roman crew members of the Argo II have made progress in their many quests, they still seem no closer to defeating the earth mother, Gaea. Her giants have risen – all of them – and they’re stronger than ever.
They must be stopped before the Feast of Spes, when Gaea plans to have two demigods sacrificed in Athens. She needs their blood -the blood of Olympus – in order to wake. The demigods are having more frequent visions of a terrible battle at Camp Half-Blood. The Roman legion from Camp Jupiter, led by Octavian, is almost within striking distance. Though it is tempting to take the Athena Parthenos to Athens to use as a secret weapon, the friends know that the huge statue belongs back on Long Island, where it might be able to stop a war between the two camps. The Athena Parthenos will go west; the Argo II will go east.
The gods, still suffering from multiple personality disorder, are useless. How can a handful of young demigods hope to persevere against Gaea’s army of powerful giants? As dangerous as it is to head to Athens, they have no other option. They have sacrificed too much already. And if Gaea wakes, it is game over…
Rick Riordan has now sold an incredible 55 million copies of his books worldwide
Formato del ebook: Kindle PDF EPUB MOBI
Tamaño del archivo: 3275 KB
Longitud de impresión: 519 páginas
Editorial/Editado por: Puffin (7 de octubre de 2014)
Idioma: Inglés

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Escrito por Patrick Rothfuss

Había una vez cuatro chicos, compañeros en todo, que decidieron proteger a un chico indefenso atormentado por el tirano del colegio. Su acción marcó un cambio decisivo en sus vidas. Un cambio tan grande que tardarían 25 años en comprender su importancia…
Ahora son adultos, con más problemas y más desilusiones, pero una vez al año se reúnen para cazar en los bosques de Maine. Este año un desconocido entra en su cabaña y, aturdido y confuso, balbucea que ha visto unas extrañas luces en el cielo. Y parece que no está equivocado…
En poco tiempo los cuatro amigos se encuentran en medio de una lucha terrorífica contra seres de otro mundo. La única posibilidad de salvación radica en encontrar a aquel amigo del pasado, el que sabía cazar sueños y que también sabrá frustrar los sueños de los invasores…
Una obra maestra del terror y una historia de ternura y amistad profunda.
Formato del ebook: Kindle PDF EPUB MOBI
Longitud de impresión: 160 páginas
Editorial/Editado por: PLAZA & JANES (28 de octubre de 2014)
Idioma: Español

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Escrito por Miranda Lee

El soltero más codiciado de Sídney… ¿la deseaba a ella?
Michele lo sabía todo sobre Tyler Garrison. Insoportablemente atractivo y heredero de una gran fortuna, cambiaba de mujer con la misma facilidad con que cambiaba de coche. Sin embargo, cuando Michele fue invitada a la boda de su exnovio, la emocionó que Tyler consintiera en acompañarla, y ello a pesar de la condición que le puso… ¡que simularan ser amantes!
Michele disfrutó con el efecto que produjo entre los invitados su aparición del brazo de Tyler. Pero quedó aún más sorprendida cuando él le hizo otra propuesta todavía más provocativa: ¡que se convirtieran en amantes de verdad!
Formato del ebook: Kindle PDF EPUB MOBI
Tamaño del archivo: 353 KB
Longitud de impresión: 107 páginas
Editorial/Editado por: Harlequin Ibérica, S.A. (18 de septiembre de 2014)
Idioma: Español

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Escrito por Gioconda Belli

Tras dedicarse por entero a formar una familia, dejando atrás proyectos profesionales, Emma llega a la madurez de sus 48 años. Sus dos hijos ya se han marchado de casa y la relación con su marido ha perdido el encanto de los primeros años. Cuando su cuerpo de mujer atractiva y sensual muestra los primeros signos de cambio, Emma se angustia y teme perder los atributos de su feminidad.
En medio de una vorágine de pensamientos negativos, un hecho fortuito la lleva a entrar en contacto con una realidad ajena a la suya donde encuentra una inesperada pasión que cuestiona su apacible rutina y la lleva a descubrir el gozo, la sexualidad y las posibilidades de realización de esta nueva etapa de su vida.
El intenso calor de la luna cuenta la historia de Emma, un personaje flaubertiano que se rebela contra el papel que le impone la sociedad a la mujer madura. Gioconda Belli explora la identidad femenina en la menopausia, cuando la mujer debe ir más allá de los mitos que centran su valor en la belleza juvenil y la fertilidad, para descubrir un nuevo erotismo y el poder de ser ella misma.
Formato del ebook: Kindle PDF EPUB MOBI
Tamaño del archivo: 553 KB
Longitud de impresión: 194 páginas
Editorial/Editado por: Seix Barral (23 de septiembre de 2014)
Idioma: Español

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Escrito por Raimon Samsó

Los mapas mentales son la herramienta de pensamiento más importante porque sirven para todo; ya no solo para la vida profesional, también para todo lo personal. Así que no dejes escapar esta lectura porque en este ebook te explicaré cómo funcionan, cómo hacerlos y qué uso darles en tu vida y trabajo.
¡Pero eso no es todo! También te recomendaré todas mis aplicaciones y programas favoritos para trazar mapas mentales digitales, tanto en una tablet, como un PC, smartphone o Mac.
Te presento las mejores aplicaciones, las he probado prácticamente todas. De manera que te resumiré las 3 que mejor funcionan según mi criterio. Con esta lectura vas a ahorrarte mucho tiempo y unos cuantos errores.
Bienvenido a la tecnología de los genios.
Los mapas mentales cambiaron mi modo de trabajar y sólo puedo agradecer su contribución a mi éxito profesional.
Formato del ebook: Kindle PDF EPUB MOBI
Tamaño del archivo: 1559 KB
Longitud de impresión: 33 páginas
Editorial/Editado por: Inspired training ediciones (8 de octubre de 2014)
Idioma: Español

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Escrito por Amin Maalouf

Tomando como hilo conductor los avatares de un manuscrito que, con el nombre de la mítica ciudad de Samarcanda, contiene las famosas «Rubayat» del poeta persa Omar Jayyam, Amin Maalouf recrea en esta novela un fascinante y tumultuoso mundo oriental.
En el marco de la Persia medieval, desgarrada por profundas contradicciones, dos figuras destacan junto a la del propio Jayyam, quien, además de poeta, fue astrónomo, geómetra y filósofo, la de Nizam el-Molk, gran visir del sultán Malikxah, y la del misterioso ismaelí Hassan Sabbah, fundador de la secta de los Asesinos, que desde su fortaleza de Alamut mantuvo aterrorizado al país.
Formato del ebook: Kindle PDF EPUB MOBI
Tamaño del archivo: 520 KB
Longitud de impresión: 384 páginas
Editorial/Editado por: Alianza Editorial; Edición: edición (16 de septiembre de 2014)
Idioma: Español

Una de las mejores obras del autor
Una de las mejores obras del autor
quien a través de una histórica medieval plantea un problema de gran actualidad.
Es muy específico de la historia árabe
Considero que es una obra para estudiosos de esa cultura , por lo que me ha resultado un poco pesado.
Escrito por Sophie Kinsella

Becky Brandon (nee Bloomwood) is in Hollywood! It’s as if all her life has been leading to this moment. She’s hanging out with the stars . or at least she will be, when she finally gets to meet movie superstar Sage Seymour, whom husband Luke is now managing.
There’s so much to see and do! And getting Minnie through the hurdles for her A-list Hollywood pre-school will require
Becky sets her heart on a new career – she’s going to be a celebrity stylist. Red carpet, here she comes! But Becky soon finds it’s tough in Tinseltown. Luckily her best friend Suze comes over to keep her company, and together they embark on the Hollywood insider trail. But somehow…things aren’t quite working out as they’d hoped.
Then Becky’s big chance comes, and it’s an opportunity that money can’t buy. But will it cost her too much?
Formato del ebook: Kindle PDF EPUB MOBI
Tamaño del archivo: 2190 KB
Longitud de impresión: 400 páginas
Editorial/Editado por: Transworld Digital (25 de septiembre de 2014)
Idioma: Inglés

This Shopaholic entry is lacking «star power»…
Becky is up to her old tricks, here in Shopaholic to the Stars. Luke has a job opportunity to work with a famous actress in Hollywood, and Becky sees stars- the opportunities are endless in LA for encountering celebrities, and the shopping isn’t bad either. She is gung-ho to find a celeb and act as their personal stylist. A seemingly perfect fit for Becky’s skills, and an excuse to shop to her heart’s content, because after all it’s a business expense and therefore necessary.
But as usual, LA is more than Becky bargained for. She wants her moment in the spotlight but is it really worth it? Maybe so, maybe not.
Even though I love the characters of this series, I felt like there wasn’t enough of them seen here. My favorite moments were with Minnie and the bff antics of Suze and Becky; I wanted more time spent with these chatacters than the vapid and shallow (annoying) Sage. I feel like Kinsella is running out of original material. This storyline feels familiar and it is missing the spark and humor of the first two (the best in the series, in my mind). Fans will find something to enjoy, but will be left hanging as the book ends with little resolution. Apparently another Shopaholic is soon in coming… We’ll see. I feel like the story was too long and drawn out to warrant this kind of ending…
Can Hollywood Handle Kinsella’s Shopaholic?
SHOPAHOLIC TO THE STARS, #7 in the Shopaholic Series, by the ever delightful Sophie Kinsella is a breath of fresh air. Of course with SHOPAHOLIC TO THE STARS being set in Los Angeles, there may also be a bit of smog and paparazzi to get through, but Kinsella forges ahead and triumphs again! As a Kinsella fan, I know when I want an easy, light, and fun chick-lit book, she won’t disappoint. While not all of this series were quite up to par, I believe readers should take them with a grain of salt (perhaps rimmed around a chilled Margarita glass–this IS Hollywood after all!) and just enjoy a few hours for fun! If you are looking for serious narrative with great depth, you are in the wrong section of the bookstore!
In #7, Becky (Bloomwoood) Brandon joins hubby Luke and moves to LaLa Land with bitty dynamo daughter Minnie. Becky believes she is finally where she was always meant to be. Luke is handling the career of a famous actress, Sage Seymour, and Becky sees her chance to become part of the excitement. With her background in fashion, aka shopping, she feels it is her fate to become the personal stylist to the stars, and why not start with Sage Seymour? However, as fans will not be surprised, problems arise for Becky and she must decide if she can balance work and those she loves. Luke loves Becky but even he has his limits! And what about Becky’s friends and family? Will they put up with one more fashion fiasco? With ever delightfully developed characters, Sophie Kinsella once more has brought her fans what they love–a novel with fun but also with heart.
A Fun, Diverting Read
I gave up the Shopaholic series after Shopaholic & Sister, which I thought was not just unfunny, but offensive. But for some reason I felt like I light read, so I chose this, and it’s good. Unsurprisingly, I haven’t really missed any plot developments except for her having a baby, who’s basically ignored in this book, so not a problem.
Look, if you want high literature, look elsewhere. But if you want light, silly escapades that strain credibility and a book you can read in a few hours, here’s the one. Becky is in LA here, and her new obsession is with celebrity. She’s decided she wants to be a stylist to the stars, and spends the book getting into one ridiculous situation after another in pursuit of the dream. When she stumbles into her own celebrity, she finds she likes the limelight herself, and takes it a bit too far, in typical Becky Bloomwood fashion.
The book’s only flaw is that it’s too long – over 400 pages, and though Becky has actually matured some, she still grates after about 300. There were too many subplots, some of which are not resolved by the end, so I can guarantee you another installment in the series. I don’t think I’ll be in a rush to read that one, or catch up on the books I missed, but this was a pleasant way to spend an evening.
Escrito por Sherrilyn Kenyon

La esperada segunda entrega de la nueva serie de la reina de la novela romántica paranormal.
¿Podrá la misión de salvar a la humanidad de la destrucción total limpiar el nombre de Evalle?
En una Atlanta alternativa, un nuevo mundo de traiciones y alianzas inestables, Evalle Kincaid, la única mutante no encarcelada, enfrenta a una tarea imposible: capturar a las otras tres peligrosas criaturas que escaparon, antes de que sigan matando a más humanos…o a ella misma. Pero cuando las palabras pronunciadas en el calor del combate se tuercen en su contra, Evalle es culpada de la fuga.
Y ahora tiene una oportunidad única para borrar la sombra de la sospecha que se cierne sobre ella para siempre. Todo lo que tiene que hacer es recapturar a los fugitivos. Pero, como se trata de dioses y diosas, ahora la vida de todos los Veladors, y la seguridad de todos los seres humanos, dependen del éxito de su misión.
Formato del ebook: Kindle PDF EPUB MOBI
Tamaño del archivo: 1137 KB
Longitud de impresión: 383 páginas
Editorial/Editado por: Roca editorial (25 de septiembre de 2014)
Idioma: Español

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Escrito por Anna Romer

Cuando tú eres lo único que separa un pasado violento del destino de aquellos a quienes amas, ¿hasta dónde estás dispuesto a llegar para salvarlos?
Una misteriosa herencia
Audrey hereda de su exmarido, que ha muerto de forma súbita e inesperada, una finca abandonada en Queensland. Decide no venderla y aprovechar la oportunidad para escapar de la ciudad y de una vida sin mucho aliciente.
Un terrible secreto
En una habitación descubre la fotografía de un guapo médico de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Samuel Riordan, el antiguo dueño de la casa. Pronto se obsesiona con él y empieza a indagar sobre su vida hasta descubrir que fue acusado de asesinar a su esposa a la vuelta de la guerra en 1946. Cuando le cuentan sobre otras muertes inexplicables en época reciente, una de ellas la de una adolescente cuyas heridas recordaban a la primera víctima, empieza a sospechar que el asesino sigue vivo.
Un nuevo amor
La investigación de Audrey provocará en el asesino la necesidad de matar de nuevo. Justo cuando ella estaba empezando a encajar en la comunidad. Justo cuando su hija y su suegra estaban entablando una bonita relación. Justo cuando ella había encontrado un hombre que le hace pensar que es el momento de amar de nuevo.
Formato del ebook: Kindle PDF EPUB MOBI
Tamaño del archivo: 798 KB
Longitud de impresión: 471 páginas
Editorial/Editado por: Suma de Letras (17 de septiembre de 2014)
Idioma: Español

Totalmente enganchada
Me compré este libro al poco de salir porque leí en alguna parte que lo comparaban con las novelas de Kate Morton (que me encanta!!) así que no me lo pensé. Y ha sido un acierto total. Me queda poquísimo para acabarlo y lo he devorado prácticamente en tres días. La historia es emocionante, tiene suspense, es romántica… No le falta de nada. Lo recomiendo sin dudar.
Perfecta lectura para sumergirte en una gran casa en medio de una exuberante naturaleza
No solo me gustó la historia sino cómo poco a poco la autora te sumerge en la exuberante naturaleza en medio de la cual se sitúa la gran casa. Además, yo quería ser Audrey, la protagonista, que recibe la oportunidad de empezar de cero y la aprovecha, ¡ya te digo si la aprovecha! Como dicen al final del libro «Audrey es única».
Escrito por J. Lynn

Another outstanding New Adult novel from the bestselling author of WAIT FOR YOU – a NEW YORK TIMES bestseller.
Not all scars are visible on the surface.
Calla Fritz is used to hiding. Hiding the scar that she believes mars her beautiful face. Hiding the burns that cover so much of the rest of her body. Hiding her past and her family secrets from her new college friends.
But when her mother clears out her bank account and disappears, Calla is forced to return home and face up to a life she’d rather forget about. What she didn’t count on was meeting the one guy who seems to be able to see past her defences. Jackson James, known as Jax, is beyond smokin’ hot – and Calla can’t quite hide her feelings for a man who knows that beauty isn’t only skin deep.
But with some dangerous characters looking for her mother – men who are perfectly happy to punish Calla for her mother’s sins if she doesn’t turn up soon – Calla and Jax have more troubling things to think about than the searing heat between them…
Formato del ebook: Kindle PDF EPUB MOBI
Tamaño del archivo: 1782 KB
Longitud de impresión: 451 páginas
Editorial/Editado por: Harper (25 de septiembre de 2014)
Idioma: Inglés

A great novel romantic enough for the ladies and suspenseful enough for the guys
Stay With me is labeled a romance, and while there most definitely is a strong love story in it, I consider it basically a novel and as such, it’s great reading regardless of gender. I do belive that it will appeal more to women because it’s written by a lady author and is told from the woman’s viewpoint in the first person. However, it has enough of a thriller embedded in it to appeal to men also.
The opening chapter did lead me to believe that it was going to be a fairly standard love story. We’re introduced to our heroine who’s in college and recognize that she is a very spunky young lady with an attitude. She does seem to be a bit man crazy, talking about what she calls the ‘»Hot men’s brigade’. However, we quickly learn that she is virgin not even ever being kissed. This partially is because of an ugly facial scar, one of several body scars she sustained in a fire. However, the very ending of the chapter starts the actual story.
I won’t tell you more of the plot because this is most enjoyable getting each surprise as it happens. Well, on second thought, I will mention that thisfnovel includes an incredibly unfit mother, drug dealers, and of course a «hot» love interest. I will also mention that this depicts a much more honest and engrossing love affair which emphasizes actual love rather than sex.
There are sexual scenes in the novel, but they are not generally as graphic nor «hot’ as are common in modern romances. There’s also some violence, but again not graphic.
I wish there were a way to convey how very good this novel is without sounding like I’m a plant or a personal friend of the author. I’m especially sensitive about this since this apparently will be the first customer review. But believe me, guys and gals, this is definitely a novel to read. Yes, it is at times heavy on the romance, but there’s enough suspense in it to please male readers like myself. Truly an outstanding novel and quit strongly recommended by me
I will admit I wasn’t a huge an of JLA’s previous New Adult books, but this one completely blew me away! I wasn’t prepared for how attached I would get to the characters and their story, but by the end of the story I just didn’t want to let them go.
JLA has really taken the New Adult formula to a new level. She doesn’t just have the standard broken character meets broken character and eventually falls in love. Nope she has a huge storyline that kept me flipping pages all night long. I couldn’t put it down!
I love reading about men in the service and Jax was amazing! He was definitely a bad you know what and could totally take care of whatever was thrown his way. Calla was an amazing character as well and definitely fit perfectly with Jax. Their relationship wasn’t all roses, but that is to be expected with NA.
What really set this book apart was the storyline. It isn’t typical and if you are like me and are tired of the same ole thing this is for you. I won’t go into the storyline because I think the summary gives enough away and I don’t want to give spoilers but believe me you need this book in your life. It will make you laugh, squee, and cry and give you all the feels you need!
Sweet, Hot, and New
When it comes to «new adult» romances, I’ll admit to being more than a little opinionated. Oftentimes, I find the characters too immature, and generally in a totally unbelievable, unlikeable way. So I was pleased with Calla and Jax’s romance. This isn’t the typical good girl, bad boy story that makes you question whether he’s possibly going to become an over-obsessed stalker. Calla is young and innocent, but Jax is an all-around good guy, and you want them to get together from the start.
Both characters are in their young twenties, and while it’s been a long time since I’ve been there, I thought Lynn did a good job of giving them realistic personalities. Calla’s sexual innocence is contrasted with an unpleasant childhood; I was a little leery of this at first because I don’t like to read heavy tragedy in my romance novels. But, while there was tragedy in her past, it’s not detailed in the story and doesn’t dominate it. Likewise, Jax is a veteran, but this only part of who he is, it’s not all he is, as sometimes happens when authors get hung up on their soldier heros.
Calla’s college friends make appearances in this book, and it’s clear they’ve got their own romances depicted in other books; it’s also clear that there’s at least one romance being set up for another tale. But none of these things overshadow the main characters here, and this book easily stands alone. I like it enough, though, that I’ll likely order others in the series.