Título: A Place Of Strangers

Escrito por Geoffrey Seed

A Place Of Strangers de Geoffrey Seed


When a successful TV journalist returns for Christmas to the decaying Tudor mansion where his step-parents live something is not right. Approaching death, they are reserved and enigmatic, as if they are determined to take one last secret with them to the grave.

He suspects that they have lied to him about who his real parents were – and what happened to them.

And so begins an investigation that will reveal his past – and determine his future.

As he digs deeper, he starts to uncover a terrifying conspiracy – one of murder and revenge, with its roots in the greatest crime in history, the Holocaust.

Inspired by a story Geoffrey Seed investigated as a journalist, ‘A Place of Strangers’ is a stunning, literary thriller that combines history and suspense. It will appeal to followers of writers such as Robert Harris, Alan Furst and Alan Judd.

«Intelligent, seamless and satisfyingly complex with a whiff of Le Carré.» – Patrick Malahide.

Geoffrey Seed is a journalist who worked for the Daily Mail and then specialised in producing major TV investigations for programmes such as World In Action and Panorama. ‘A Place of Strangers’ is his first novel.

Endeavour Press is the UK’s leading independent digital publisher.


Formato del ebook: Kindle PDF EPUB MOBI
Tamaño del archivo: 424 KB
Longitud de impresión: 266 páginas
Editorial/Editado por: Endeavour Press (30 de junio de 2014)
Idioma: Español

Descargar A Place Of Strangers de Geoffrey Seed





An unexpected pleasure
I’m not usually one for spy novels or any type of mystery/terrorist story, being more of a romance type of gal. However, on the advice of a friend I bought this book, hoping it would hold my interest. From the first page I was hooked. This book had a storyline that flowed beautifully but was easy to understand. In fact, it was so well written that I read it very slowly, savoring each word, hoping it would take a long time to end. Without giving away any of the plot, it is a story about one man’s search for the truth about his own origins, which takes him from England to Canada and Palestine — and also into his past. The Holocaust is described with painful precision and for those who have lost loved ones, your heart will ache. Mr. Seed is a brilliant writer and A PLACE OF STRANGERS is a book I will long remember. I highly recommend it.

A Place of Strangers
There are lots of pretenders to John le Carre’s place as the king of classy thriller writers – Henry Porter, Charles Cumming, and Robert Harris to name but three.
Geoffrey Seed, a former TV journalist, is another contender, however, with this gripping story of a step-son investigating his real parents lives and coming across some very nasty stuff left over from the Holocaust. The story bowls along at great place, and Seed had a very strong grasp of atmosphere and character. There are some moments where the grip of the plot is genuinely icy – but a few as well where it flags slightly and the descriptions become slightly overdone. Even so, this is an excellent read, and will keep most thriller fans happy enough – at least until the next Le Carre is out.

A Slow Pace
Now quite elderly; Francis has Alzheimer’s. McCall was told very little about his birth parents–it seems that it was considered better to not distress a child with an unhappy truth–but now he’s 40 and wants to know before his adoptive parents pass on.
They are reluctant to tell him, though. As a journalist, McCall starts digging to discover his own past and in the process discovers secrets of his parents and the horrors of the extermination of Jews in Nazi Germany.
The story line jumps back and forth between the present and the past, often from one paragraph to the next, with no segue whatsoever. The past is told in present tense, the present is in past tense. Excerpts from documents (such as letters)are given without quotation marks, which adds confusion. The main characters all sound alike and dialogue has no indicators such as ‘he said’; they are just one after another. All of this makes the book hard to follow.
The pacing is very slow. The ending was anti-climactic, as far as the solution to both mysteries, with a sudden surprise twist that was annoying, in my opinion.

30 septiembre, 2014 a las 11:45 pm por Ebooks
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